Wentse Chen 陳文澤

I am a first-year student in the Master of Robotics program at Carnegie Mellon University advised by Prof. Jeff Schneider. I am also collaborate closely with Prof. Aviral Kumar. Prior to this, I pursued my undergraduate studies in Automation at Tsinghua University, where I had the privilege of working alongside Prof. Jun Zhu and Prof. Gao Huang. I also gained research experience under the guidance of Prof. Koushil Sreenath at UC Berkeley.

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My research interests lie in deep reinforcement learning, multi-agent reinforcement learning and robotics, with the goal of robots being able to collaborate, explore and learn like human beings.

OpenRL: an open-source reinforcement learning research framework
Shiyu Huang, Wentse Chen, Yiwen Sun, Fuqing Bie, Wei-Wei Tu

Supports single-agent and multi-agent RL algorithms, natural language tasks(RLHF), self-play training.

DGPO: Discovering Multiple Strategies with Diversity-Guided Policy Optimization
Wentse Chen, Shiyu Huang, Yuan Chiang, Tim Pearce, Wei-Wei Tu, Chen Ting, Zhu Jun,
The 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI2024)

Proposed an on-policy framework for discovering multiple strategies for the same task in a single training process.

TiZero: Mastering Multi-Agent Football with Curriculum Learning and Self-Play
Fanqi Lin*, Shiyu Huang*, Tim Pearce, Wentse Chen, Wei-Wei Tu
The 22nd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems(AAMAS2023)

Created an on-policy MARL algorithm, along with an adaptive curriculum learning approach and a unique self-play strategy, for excelling in the Google Research Football game.

TiKick: Towards Playing Multi-agent Football Full Games from Single-agent Demonstrations
Shiyu Huang*, Wentse Chen*, Longfei Zhang, Shizhen Xu, Ziyang Li, Fengming Zhu, Deheng Ye, Ting Chen, Jun Zhu
NeurIPS-21 Workshop: 2nd Offline Reinforcement Learning Workshop

Developed a distributed learning system and new offline algorithms to learn a powerful multi-agent AI from the fixed single-agent dataset.

last update: March 6th, 2024

Copy from Dr. Jon Barron's page.